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Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

The Transportation Improvement Program is the agreed-upon multiyear list of specific projects for which federal funds are anticipated. Required by federal law, the TIP represents the transportation improvement priorities of the Syracuse Metropolitan Area. The list of projects is multi-modal and includes highway and public transit projects, as well as bicycle, pedestrian, and freight-related projects.

SMTC 2023-2027 CoverThe TIP also represents the translation of recommendations from the SMTC’s Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) into a short-term program of tangible transportation improvements. All TIP projects are evaluated to assure consistency with the community goals, objectives and performance measures established in the LRTP. The majority of projects in the TIP are aimed at increasing the efficiency and safety of the existing transportation system, rather than construction of new facilities.  Representing the culmination of the transportation planning process, the TIP signifies a consensus among local, regional and state officials as to what improvements to pursue, thereby establishing eligibility for federal funding.

The current TIP (2023-2027) was adopted August, 2022. For a bound copy please call the SMTC at (315) 422-5716 or e-mail your request.

Changes are routinely made to the TIP through amendments or administrative modifications. These adjustments are provided in the “amended tables” below.

View our interactive project map here.

Amended FHWA Projects

Amended FTA Projects

TIP Anticipated Effects Narrative (August 2022)

2023-2027 TIP (as adopted in August, 2022)

Program of projects is effective October 1, 2022.


Federal regulations require an “Annual Listing” of projects, including investments in pedestrian walkways and bicycle facilities, for which federal transportation funds have been obligated in the preceding year be made available for public review by the MPO.

The SMTC staff prepares the Federal Fiscal Year Summary to capture fiscal and capital program management relevant "end-of-year" items. The multi-page graphical summary covers a variety of topics and is supportive of a transparent, performance-based planning and programming process used in the development and maintenance of the Transportation Improvement Program.

Many agencies directly participate in the TIP development process.  They include member governments, operating agencies, and state and federal agencies.  Other groups, the business community, and the general public become involved through the SMTC public participation process in addition to their involvement at the municipal and county level.  This multiplicity of jurisdictions and agencies in the SMTC study area necessitates a high degree of coordination during the TIP development process. A TIP Guidebook is available to help in the overall process. View the TIP Guidebook

  1. In many cases, municipal planners and engineers generate lists of potential improvements based on their needs, analyses, previous studies, and citizen input.
  2. The proposals are then reviewed at the municipal and regional level.
  3. Once each municipality and regional agency has developed its own list of projects and priorities, it presents this list to the SMTC when a TIP update is undertaken, where the SMTC Capital Projects Committee (CPC) reviews each proposal before making recommendations to the SMTC Planning and Policy Committees. The CPC seeks to ensure that the highest priorities of the Syracuse Metropolitan Planning Area are being addressed within the limits of available resources, consistent with the Long Range Transportation Plan.
  4. Finally, the SMTC provides the forum through which its Policy Committee members determine the TIP.  After considering the recommendations of the CPC, Planning Committee, and public comment, the SMTC Policy Committee determines the final list of projects, and adopts the multi-year TIP for advancement.