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Public Participation

The SMTC recognizes that the active involvement of the entire community, in addition to the SMTC Policy, Planning and Study Advisory Committee (SAC) members, is paramount to good transportation planning. Public comments are valued because they can shape the direction of a particular transportation study or planning activity, and may help to identify new transportation projects that are important to citizens of the area.

For many of the SMTC activities, a project-specific Public Involvement Plan (PIP) sets the framework for the public involvement opportunities that will be available throughout the course of the project. The PIP also pinpoints when in the project that community engagement, such as public meetings will be held that allow for the exchange of information and input. In addition to public meetings, the SMTC also recruits the necessary technical personnel and community representatives to serve on a project-specific SAC. Such a committee is created for most of the SMTC planning activities to assist in managing projects, as well as provide needed input and direction.

Other methods the SMTC uses to inform and invite the public to participate include the use of press releases to announce various meetings, project updates, and available reports; social media; a quarterly agency e-newsletter; production of our print newsletter, DIRECTIONS; distribution of various project-specific fact sheets and flyers; and the use of questionnaires and surveys.

How Can You Get Involved?

Sign up to receive the SMTC quarterly e-newsletter and print version, DIRECTIONS. Full of news on the latest SMTC activities, UPWP studies, and public meeting announcements, these items will keep you current with the transportation-planning going on in your neighborhood.

Make an effort to attend the public meetings that focus on a topic or location of interest to you. For all its planning studies and activities, the SMTC holds public meetings/workshops to obtain public comments and input. All SMTC-held public meetings are publicized in the local media, throughout the specific study area, as well as through direct invitation. The public is also welcome to attend the SMTC’s Planning and Policy Committee meetings, where transportation studies and issues are discussed in greater detail among the member agencies.

Take advantage of what the SMTC has to offer. Continue visiting the SMTC web site for up-to-date information on all of our transportation planning activities. Visit our office to look through our extensive library of transportation planning reports, technical memorandums, and brochures relating to transportation and land use planning. Talk with our well-trained technical staff, submit written comments, and/or invite the SMTC to give a presentation to your organization or group. Contact the SMTC’s Director, James D’Agostino by phone at (315) 422-5716 or by e-mail at

If you are interested in a study or planning effort that is being conducted, contact the SMTC today to request to be a part of the project’s “Interested Stakeholder” list. This group, which includes members of the community with significant relations and interest in the study area, is kept apprised of pertinent study developments, notified of all public meetings, and encouraged to participate and provide feedback and comment.