Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
Draft 2025-2026 UPWP available for review and comment.
The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) identifies in a single document the annual transportation planning activities undertaken in the Syracuse metropolitan area in support of the goals, objectives and performance measures established in the Long Range Transportation Plan. In short, it is an outline of the transportation planning activities that will be conducted by the SMTC and its professional staff over the course of one year.

Through the efforts of its UPWP, the SMTC makes specific recommendations that seek to improve the transportation network throughout the Syracuse metropolitan area. Recommendations reached in a number of UPWP activities are then forwarded to the respective SMTC member agencies who have the authority to act upon these. In addition, certain recommendations of merit (developed via a UPWP study) are often considered for inclusion on the SMTC’s federally funded Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
For a bound copy please call the SMTC at 315-422-5716 or e-mail your request.
2023-2024 UPWP Study Summaries
Click here to view UPWP publications »
2025-2026 UPWP Development
The draft 2025-2026 UPWP is available for public review and comment through February 25, 2025. Comments can be submitted via email to jdagostino@smtcmpo.org or postal mail to SMTC, Attn: James D’Agostino, 126 N Salina St, Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13202.
2024-2025 UPWP
The 2024-2025 UPWP was adopted on February 29, 2024. The annual work program begins April 1st.
2024-2025 Financial Update
The 2024-2025 UPWP budget was revised on October 3, 2024. Please see information below.
End of Year Summary Reports
At the conclusion of each program year and when a full accounting of financial details are available, an end of year report is created that includes 1) narrative of work activities undertaken by task, per month, and 2) expenditure report by task. Summary reports are available in the UPWP “Publications” section of our website.