This study was completed in May 2024. Read the Final Report here.

Westvale Plaza Area Pedestrian & Bicycle Mobility Assessment


Study Overview

The Westvale Plaza Area Pedestrian & Bicycle Mobility Assessment is an evaluation aimed at improving connections between residential neighborhoods and the commercial district along W Genesee St for people outside of personal vehicles. Working alongside the Town of Geddes and Village of Solvay, along with other member agencies, SMTC staff are exploring ideas that will:

  • Improve vehicle and pedestrian safety;
  • Reduce local vehicle trips from nearby neighborhoods through the promotion of walking and cycling;
  • Improve ridership at existing Centro bus stops;
  • Increase connectivity to the regional trail network; and
  • Contribute to Onondaga County’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

On this page you will find information about upcoming public engagement sessions, related meeting materials, and updates on the progress of the study.

For any comments or questions related to this study, please contact Tom Bardenett, Senior Transportation Planner, at


On November 16, 2023, SMTC staff held a public workshop focused on improving mobility and accessibility for people on foot, riding bikes, and taking transit in the Westvale Plaza area. The below video provided a brief summary of the study and introduced draft concepts for individuals who were unable to attend the workshop or for those who wanted to know before attending.

Workshop attendees viewed corridor length maps and photo simulations of concepts aimed at improving access for people outside of personal vehicles. Attendees were encouraged to write and draw on the maps where they had comments, questions, or concerns. A PDF of the materials showcased at the workshop can be found below.

November 16, 2023 – Public Engagement Materials

On July 12, 2023, SMTC staff held a public workshop focused on how land use and zoning regulations impact our mobility choices. The below video served as an introduction to the concepts discussed at the workshop and presented draft concepts designed to advance discussions on what changes to existing zoning regulations may allow.

Workshop attendees were also asked for input on preferences for walking and biking facilities, along with concepts discussed in the Town and Village’s joint Comprehensive Plan. A PDF of these interactive boards, and the plaza concepts, can be found below.

July 12, 2023 - Public Engagement Materials