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Find out who we are and what we do for the area.

2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)

The SMTC is currently updating our 2050 MTP.

Latest DIRECTIONS newsletter available

The Fall 2024 edition of the SMTC’s newsletter is available.

Transportation Improvement Program

On August 12, 2022, the SMTC Policy Committee adopted the new 2023-2027 TIP!

I-81 Viaduct Project

NYSDOT has released the project’s Final Design Report / Final Environmental Impact Statement.

Work Products StoryMap

The StoryMap provides interactive summaries of planning activities completed in the last 12 plus years. Individual reports are available on the Publications web page.

  • LRTP

    Long Range Transportation Plan

    Moving Towards a Greater Syracuse

  • UPWP

    Unified Planning Work Program

    Transportation planning activities in the Syracuse Metropolitan Area

  • TIP

    Transportation Improvement Program

    Projects for which funds are programmed